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Film & TV Production

I’m the Director of Photography for “Live Fast, Live Free” and “Forgive and Forget”.

I love creating images; I really enjoy shaping a story through visual storytelling.
Different lenses, lighting, angles and movement affect the audience in different ways, which I find very interesting as they ultimately become the way I communicate with the audience and I share messages.

“Live Fast, Live Free” is a story about mental health, freedom and skateboarding while “Forgive and Forget” is a story about family relationships and about “doing the right thing” even when it’s very uncomfortable to you.

When shooting, I try to recreate what I see in my head when picturing the story/scene/shot. I tend to use a naturalistic/realistic approach to shooting in terms of lighting and enhancing everything with the use of color.

I’m totally in love with light, color and images.

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