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Graphic Communication Design

Charee Monroy
[ LEVEL seven ]

Charee Monroy’s Portrait

I created branding and packaging for a non-alcoholic tequila mocktail entitled Sly Spirits. I was inspired by Huehuecotoyl, the Aztec god of music, dance, and mischief. Huehuecoyotl means “old, old coyote” and is followed by a mischievous bunch of drummers and dancers. For the packaging, I utilized the style of the papel picado design which brings up memories of celebration, joy, and the intricacies of Mexican craftwork. Partygoers young and old are increasingly imbibing in non-alcoholic drinks for a variety of reasons, from personal to practical. However, there is still a desire to indulge in the celebration and social aspect that social gatherings offer. I wanted to find a branding solution that winked to cheekily imbibing in a mocktail with no one the wiser, which Sly Spirit’s tagline “Party on the Sly” hints at in Sly Spirit’s marketing and advertising campaign.

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