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Graphic Communication Design

Eunah Jeong
[ LEVEL eight ]

Eunah Jeong’s Portrait

The primary focus of this ISTD project is to investigate the concept of linguistic hybridity, with a specific focus on 'Konglish,' which represents the fusion of Korean and English languages, as observed in South Korea.

The investigation into 'Konglish' encompasses historical, social, and generational perspectives, particularly among individuals aged 20 to 40. Through surveys and typographic analysis, it seeks to explore the appeal and visual representation of linguistic blending. By integrating historical and contemporary research with design elements, the project endeavours to deepen our understanding of the cultural and communicative significance of linguistic hybridity.

Through a diverse approach, the project presented the evolution and utilisation of this linguistic blend. Initially, typography served as a tool to visually depict and convey the intricacies of linguistic hybridity, offering insights into its expression and perception through font selection, layout design, and other typographic choices. Specifically, I focused on 'the cycle of language: appearing and disappearing,' attempting to visually represent the birth and disappearance of characters using typography.

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