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Interior Architecture and Design

Wilfred Bautista
[ LEVEL seven ]

Wilfred Bautista’s Portrait

Since it was initially constructed, the Chocolate Factory has served a variety of purposes. As a result, it has evolved into a place where people can come together and express their creativity. As such for this project I have explored the readaption of this existing building into a office space for creatives to collaborate among each other. I've connected my concept, the kaleidoscope effect to this building by taking a closer look at the collaboration space in the current building.

The idea behind the kaleidoscope effect is to unite disparate fields of expertise and highlight the individuality and diversity of the collaborating groups, much like a kaleidoscope effect form. This bright new layout emphasises a private time when you feel at home in a lively and revitalising environment. It is evident in our nook area which serve as a therapeutic space for communication with like minded individuals.

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