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Interior Architecture and Design

Alena Chikurnikova
[ LEVEL seven ]

Alena Chikurnikova’s Portrait

Twilfit House was formerly known as a factory, but a new design is proposed for the Boutique Hotel Arches in this Industrial 3-story building. Hotel design is Art Décor + Contemporary style inspired. Arches stand as a symbol of passing through old and new. Design shows a reflection of what we like in historical details, textures, and natural materials. It describes the experience we want the visitors to receive when learning about Irish culture, but also see it as it is in today’s life. The overall hotel scheme is charming, chic, vibrant, creative, and inclusive. The atmosphere is a deep mood but still vibrant, with a curated selection of artistic elements in the form of decorative wall finishes and lights. We used curved lines and a composition of shapes and textures. Each space has a visual dynamic of the colour flow. Lighting scheme illuminates decorative surfaces and creates charming shadows.

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