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Interior Architecture and Design

Emilee Shackleton
[ LEVEL seven ]

Emilee Shackleton’s Portrait

The Chocolate Factory originated as the local communities foremost employer of women. Still existing in a historic residential corridor, the building maintains significance with the local community. The Chocolate Factory currently stands as a mixed-use collaborative office. The re-design maintains this core purpose, with my proposal focusing on community engagement, which celebrates this rich history. The concept for the design is based upon liminal space: the idea of the in-between state. It is where we exist during transition- no longer one, not yet the other. Liminality in architecture can be experienced in many ways, however it is often used as pure function. The design proposal brings the idea of change/liminality to the forefront of each visitor’s conscious, encouraging comfort in growth and transition as they experience the design. Liminality is demonstrated through the design by the soft transitions between spaces, archways that delineate space, and minimal visual breaks.

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