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Interior Architecture and Design

Sarah Bruton Finnegan
[ LEVEL seven ]

Sarah Bruton Finnegan’s Portrait

Twilfit House is located within Dublins’ inner city. The building is a former corset factory constructed by Leethems in 1928. My design aims to create a new boutique hotel. The target clientele are millennials seeking to explore Dublin. This project took inspiration from the daffodil flower, a flower that blooms and dies year in and year out. Therefore acting as a symbol of hope and rebirth. The palette of materials aims to focus on the circular economy through carefully selected suppliers. The spatial planning provides a space to be experienced through spa treatment rooms, yoga studio, bar, restaurant, and billiard rooms to encourage guests to socialise and interact with each other. The colour palette of aquamarine and green aims to amplify the original concept of rebirth and hope. The design aesthetic aims to be simple with the use of shaker panelling, oak flooring, rugs, comfortable seating, and bespoke oak joinery.  

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